
Welcome to my blog! Harvey is back! In case anyone forgot, or if you are new to my blog, Harvey is my family's 23-foot Winnebago View. We have picked up mom from the Salt Lake City International Airport, and vacation can officially begin. We are in California and our real adventures can begin. Enjoy :)

Saturday, July 14, 2012

The lost brownie of Harvey the RV!
It's been lost in our cabinet for 2 weeks...anyone dare to try???

Here is Old Faithful!!!
Thar she  blows!!!!!


  1. Hi Karen, I would have eaten the brownie because as you may know, I am not afraid of old, expired food - just ask your Dad, he'll tell you. And no offense to the baker, but those brownies don't look quite as good or quite as cooked as the ones I've made before! Thanks for the one lonely picture of Old Faithful!! It is good proof that you are actually there. Did you get wet when that happened? How long did you have to wait to see it? How high did the burst go? Did it smell like rotten eggs? (I think I've heard that before). Inquiring minds want to know! Oh that's right - silly me - inquiring minds should visit Harvey the RV and Me blog for the details, right? HAHAHAHA! Again, I crack myself up! Have a great day today!! Love, Auntie Pam <3

  2. HI Karen! We are enjoying your blog, too! I bet your dad will eat the brownie...it looks like it has nuts on it!!! Looks like you guys are having a fantastic trip!!!
    Lots of our friends are following your blogs, too...keep up the GREAT work!
    Happy Trails! The Disistos

  3. Hi Karen, I am also enjoying this blog. It's so amazing how this can be done and we can follow along with you guys along your FANTASTIC TRIP !!! You and Amy are doing a wonderful job letting us know what, where and when. The photos are SPECTACULAR. Can't wait to read and see more. Have fun today..

    Carol Zawadski

  4. Hi Karen, so amazed at these Blogs, and Photos. Its great that this can be done so we can all see and hear what your wonderful vacation is all about. You and Amy keep up the Spectacular Blog. Its like I am on your vacation with you. Mite be the only way I get to see these places. Talk soon..

    Carol Zawadski

  5. Thought my other comment never went...so now there is 2 and now a third... LOL

  6. Karen,

    How could you guys have lost that poor brownie? You must have gotten hungry on the long journey nobody remembered there was one last brownie? I suspect Timber hid it on you guys so he could enjoy it but you never left him alone in the RV to retrieve it!

    Old Faithful sure is exciting to see. It can be a wait but one worthwhile. It’s amazing how accurate they are in predicting when it will erupt.

    Make sure you stay on the paths and out of the steam baths as you continue to travel through Yellowstone.


    Uncle Chris

  7. Hi Karen,
    back from my camping trip with mookie. sure did miss having you guys there. Please save the brownie for uncle mookie. we can mail it to him when you get back. Love, uncle tom


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